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For each student the timetable and programme will be personalised and individually planned based on their current learning levels and realistic aspirations for the future. Individual learning targets will reflect this. The personalised learning offer will be based on organising the day/week into variable blocks of curriculum time.
There will be a very strong focus throughout on applied communication and life skills through simulated and real-life play experiences.
Underpinning the subject curriculum, all students will have individual key targets in the functional key skill areas of Communication and Application of Number. They will also have an individual key target in each SKILL (Skills for Life and Learning) Curriculum area, including Team Working, Independent Enquiry and Self-Management in order to increase their personal, social and emotional development. These individual key targets will inform all curriculum delivery and personalised planning, contributing to the monitoring of the effectiveness of teaching and learning. These SKILL targets are also mapped into the Annual Education and Healthcare Plan (EHCP) reviews to ensure that there is a ‘golden thread’ and accountability to these targets.
We will also strive to develop Prospect House pupils as active citizens within their city. Their growing capacity to contribute through their work will be matched with a growing capacity to be informed consumers of the rich offer within and across Manchester. Pupils will access and enrichment curriculum which relates closely to the thematic foundation subject curriculum, offering access to appropriate leisure, sporting and cultural opportunities within and beyond the school day within term time.
Every child receives a daily phonics session and as a school, we follow the systematic synthetic phonics programme of Essential Letters and Sounds.
The intent for our curriculum is simple– we want our pupils to know more and remember more. This allows our pupils to achieve any ambition they may have and lead a life brimming with success, happiness and fulfilment.
Our pupils develop the biggest breadth of knowledge possible. From the life span of a stegosaurus to the history of football from making a Greek salad to cooking with basic rations, from orienteering to yoga- our pupils know it all! The huge amount of content is chosen carefully by our skilled subject leaders to ensure that pupils learn about the most exciting, the most interesting, the most surprising and critically the most relevant content that will enrich their life and inspire a love of learning.
However in order to learn about such a vast array of topics it is vital that this is supported by a deep understanding of skills needed to become experts within these subject areas. You cannot become a historian without being able to use chronology, you cannot become a scientist without being able to observe and you can’t become a philosopher if you can’t question! Therefore pupils develop a very specific set of skills in each subject area that allow them to become the geologists, composers, poets, sportspeople, mathematicians and all round great citizens of the future!
We value deeply the community we live in and we love the fact that we have a hugely diverse range of backgrounds, cultures and values right on our doorstep! We have designed our curriculum specifically to ensure that we utilise all that our wonderful community can give us and what we can give back in return– our pupils, our community, our curriculum, to live our best lives.
The Know and Remember curriculum allows for subject specific skills to be built upon as a spiral curriculum . The curriculum is split into 2 halves.
Prospect House actively encourages staff to keep their continuing professional development up to date within the curriculum. This is done, by enabling staff to attend high quality in-service training, in all aspects of the curriculum.
The training needs of staff in the various aspects of the subject are monitored, reviewed and addressed through the performance management process, as part of their own continued professional development, and in line with the School Improvement Plan.
The curriculum will provide equality of access and opportunity within curricular time by offering a broad and balanced programme of study.
In planning the programme of study, individual needs of students in relation to culture, gender, age and ability will be taken into account through appropriate groupings for respective activities as well as the curriculum content.
A variety of teaching styles and strategies will be utilised by members of staff, crossing the stereotypical boundaries and differentiating the curriculum on offer to make it accessible to the wide group of pupils at school.
This policy should be read in conjunction with the Equal Opportunities Policy, the S.E.N. Policy and all other policies.
The themes chosen to deliver the Science curriculum were carefully selected using the National curriculum whilst ensuring a Thematic curriculum could be adopted across school. Our collaborative cross-curricular planning is closely referenced to the National Curriculum to ensure coverage, progression in knowledge, understanding and skills for all age ranges. This Thematic approach allows the pupils the opportunities to work in more depth, giving them the time they need to consolidate, transfer and apply their knowledge, skills and understanding across the curriculum.
Content coverage within the curriculum is taught in line with the KS1 and KS2 national curriculum and differentiated to suit the context of the school.
Each key stage follows its own thematic rolling curriculum.
EYFS - 2 year rolling plan
KS1 – 2 year rolling plan
Pupils working between AL01 – AL03 are set a minimum of 2 targets per year.
Pupils working between AL04-AL12 are set a minimum of 3 targets per year.
One lesson is 45 minutes
The evidence recorded ranges from photos and videos taken on the Seesaw application on the iPads to written work, with annotation slips use in relation with the Assessment, Marking and Feedback policy. Targets will be shared with the students at the beginning of the module and their next steps will be recorded and shared with the students when appropriate.
Why do we collect data?
Pupils are ‘base lined’ during the first half term they start at Prospect House; classroom monitor is utilised throughout key stages and data is collected via termly targets appropriate to each student. In structured groups, students will work towards one AL target per term they are being taught.
If a target is not achieved within a term the same target may be set again (if appropriate). Within independent classes students work toward one target per term. All targets are displayed within their books/files.
Parents are invited to target setting meetings twice a year and results are sent via termly reports. Analysis of assessment data is used to set termly curriculum targets and annually to create whole school targets included within the SIP. Progress files track long-term progress and evidence a 5-year learning journey. The progress of pupil premium/disadvantaged students is closely monitored through an additional tracking sheet which clearly outlines personalised intervention initiatives.
If data highlights any systemic issues, leaders will utilise information to inform wider interventions (staff training, SIP targets.)
We fundamentally believe that RE is a part of a well-balanced and broad curriculum, which offers our students both the knowledge and experiences for life in modern Britain. Our RE curriculum has been developed to reflect the religious views of our local community, but also the city, nation and wider world our students live in.
Our RE curriculum aims to:
Right to Withdraw:
If you wish to discuss any aspect of our RE curriculum then please do not hesitate to contact the school on or by phoning 0161 850 9829
We recognise that parents or carers have the right to withdraw their child from all or parts of Religious Education. Parents or carers wishing to withdraw their child from RE should make a written request to the Headteacher, who will then arrange a meeting to discuss the request.
If you would like to find out more information about our ‘Know More, Remember More’ curriculum, please get in touch with our school Operations Manager Michelle Peacock via the school office on
Meet our Community
Louise Carter
HLTA - Eco Schools and Family Support
Michelle Peacock
Operations Manager
Robin Anthony
Deputy Headteacher
Millie Johnson-Harter
Deputy Headteacher
Sebastian & Dolores
Therapy Pigs
Therapy Dog
Therapy Dog
Pepsi & Shirley