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For children with significant learning disabilities supported transition will be key to a successful transition both in to the school, and then subsequently beyond. The needs of each child will be carefully considered to ensure that Prospect House can provide the right educational environment to meet their individual needs.

Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP's) will be carefully considered, taking into account prior levels of attainment if the child is to join during the school year, as well as additional needs. We will make opportunities to observe the children in their prior settings, and meetings with parents and existing teachers/other professionals. Once it has been agreed that the school can provide the right educational offer for a child, a transition program will be put in place.

This will allow visits to Prospect House which will be supported by staff from their existing placement if they are currently attending one. New children to the school will be assessed to establish a baseline to ensure that all work is levelled appropriately, and maximum targeted progress is achieved.

It is equally important that the needs of the children, at the time of transition between Key Stages are taken into account. When starting inKS1, transition planning will be an integral part of the Annual Review process, where individuals needs will be discussed with children, their parents/carers and other professionals. Similarly, children will be supported when they move up from KS2 into secondary provision.

The transition to secondary school will be well planned and structured, ensuring a seamless step towards the next chapter of learning. With our outstanding links with a range of schools within the city and Salford, we will support you to find the most suitable provision. The opportunity of transition within the trust would provide a unique pathway for our children, supporting a smooth and efficient move to the next stage of their learning and development. Relevant staff from high schools will be invited to attend year 5 EHCP reviews.

In addition, all parents are invited, during the year 5 review, to visit their high school. These visits are an opportunity for parents to get a view of the school and provide opportunities for discussion. In the summer term, during year 6, children undertake a transition programme with a series of visits with staff to their new setting, meeting other children and staff who will be with them in Y7 and getting to know the school facilities. For some children, individual transition is arranged over longer periods.