Prospere Learning Trust

Prospere Learning Trust is a high performing, unique and innovative Trust comprising of four mainstream high schools and five special schools, both primary and secondary, with further schools anticipated. We have ambitious plans and work collaboratively between our academies to ensure that all our schools become the ‘best that they can be’.

‘Exceptional Education for All’

Our vision is ‘exceptional education for all’, we have a strong belief in providing every child in the Trust the opportunity to develop the life skills necessary to become confident and successful and happy 21st century citizens, regardless of starting point.

Our academies are encouraged to develop as their own distinctive institutions, with their own governing bodies, and we believe this is how they can best respond to local need across Greater Manchester. We do, however, work within a common structure and ethos rooted within the Trust vision and the values that guide and motivate us.

Visit the Prospere Learning Trust Website