5 July 2024

Image of Safe4Summer

Each year, Greater Manchester partners - including Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service (GMFRS), Greater Manchester Police (GMP), Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA), local councils, plus others – come together for a campaign aimed at keeping everyone safe throughout the summer months.

General Safety Messages for Young People

• If you’re out and about enjoying the weather, please remember to let your parents know where you’re going. #Safe4Summer

• It’s not just your summer holidays; other people may be off enjoying activities and events at the same time as you. Respect others around you and let’s all have a happy summer. #Safe4Summer

While out having fun, don’t forget to let your parent or guardian know where you are and what time you’ll be back, that way they won’t worry! #Safe4Summer

If you are a victim of crime, support that is available to help you cope and recover at: www.gmvictims.org.uk


Anti-Social Behaviour - How to Report Incidents

• Help to improve your community by reporting ASB. By doing so, you’re helping to make your community a safer & more enjoyable place. To make a report to GMP, you can use LiveChat or online reporting at www.gmp.police.uk You can also call 101. Always dial 999 in an emergency

To report incidents of anti-social behaviour, you can use LiveChat or online reporting at www.gmp.police.uk You can also call 101. Always dial 999 in an emergency. #Safe4Summer

The #Safe4Summer partnership is committed to taking tough action against those whose behaviour upsets your quality of life. To make a report to police, you can use LiveChat or online reporting at www.gmp.police.uk You can also call 101. Always dial 999 in an emergency.

If you are a victim of anti-social behaviour or other types of crime, you can access the support that is available to help you cope and recover at: www.gmvictims.org.uk


Off-Road Bikes

It’s illegal to ride off-road bikes in any public spaces, including parks, play areas and pavements. Failure to comply with the law could result in vehicle seizure, points, court appearance, fine, disqualification from driving or arrest. #Safe4Summer

GMP, in partnership with other agencies, will be targeting the illegal use off-road bikes this summer. Illegal off-road bikers face having their bikes seized, or even crushed. #Safe4Summer

Motocross is a recognised skilled recreational sport. It can be highly enjoyable as part of a supervised and well-organised event or with a legitimate club. There are a number of designated sites where people can ride legally, either by permission of the landowner or as part of a legitimate club. #Safe4Summer

If you know of anyone using off road bikes where they shouldn’t be and know where they are being stored; report it to Police via online or LiveChat at www.gmp.police.uk.  Alternatively, you can call 101, or CrimeStoppers on 0800555111 in confidence. #Safe4Summer


Water Safety


Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service lead on the water safety campaign. Information and key messages can be found at https://www.manchesterfire.gov.uk/your-safety/campaigns/water-safety/


• 236 people accidentally drowned in the UK in 2023. Don’t become a statistic, stay safe around water.

• Jumping into open water can be fatal. Cold water shock kills and you don’t know what’s lurking beneath the surface. #Safe4Summer

• If you encourage your mates to go in the water, it could be the last time you see them. #Safe4Summer

• If you get into difficulty in the water, float to live.

  • Tilt your head back, ears submerged.
  • Relax and try to breathe normally.
  • Move your hands to help you stay afloat.
  • It's OK if your legs sink, we all float differently.
  • Spread your arms and legs to improve stability. #Safe4Summer

• If you see someone in difficulty in the water, remember ‘call, tell, throw’:

  • Call 999 and ask for fire if inland or the coastguard if by the sea.
  • Tell the struggling person to try to float on their back.
  • Throw them something that floats. #Safe4Summer

• Take any water warning or safety signs seriously. #Safe4Summer



Fire Safety

Never start a fire of any kind - it may seem a good idea at the time, but a fire in the open can easily get out of control #Safe4Summer

If you endanger a person’s life by deliberately starting a fire, you could go to prison. #Safe4Summer https://www.manchesterfire.gov.uk/your-safety/campaigns/safe4summer/deliberate-fires/

• By deliberately starting a fire you are putting not only your own, but other people’s lives in danger. You may think you’re in control, but fires can easily spread with devastating effects. #Safe4Summer https://www.manchesterfire.gov.uk/your-safety/campaigns/safe4summer/deliberate-fires/

• Enjoying a barbecue this week? Please make sure you are being safe and responsible. Read the fire safety advice here: https://www.manchesterfire.gov.uk/staying-safe/what-we-do/seasonal-safety/barbecue-safety-advice/ #Safe4Summer

Please do not be tempted to have a barbecue on the moors this summer as it can have devastating effects #Safe4Summer https://www.manchesterfire.gov.uk/your-safety/seasonal-safety/countryside-safety/

•  If you see a fire in the countryside, report it immediately. Leave the area as soon as possible and dial 999. If you witness illegal activity report it to Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 #Safe4Summer




• Looking for something for the kids to do this summer? Head over to www.safe4summer.com for loads of online activities for young people to enjoy during the summer. #Safe4Summer

• If your children are out and about today enjoying their summer holidays, make sure you know where they are, when they will be home and a way to contact them. #Safe4Summer

• You need to be aware of your childrens’ whereabouts. Establish a good line of communication so that you know where your children are and who they are with. #Safe4Summer

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